Since graduating from University I feel like I've been a habitual waiter.
Waiting for the career opportunity that I want. Waiting for interviews. Waiting for someone to take a chance on me. Waiting for my career to kick off. Waiting for real life to begin.
Don't you find it interesting that even though life is here and now, in this very moment, right in front of our eyes, we choose to ignore the very moment, which is where life is because we are too busy waiting for 'real life to begin? This is simply a phase called 'post grad.' I think we think the next phase is called 'real life', but really it's just 'the phase after graduating' but they are both very real. We are constantly creating, shaping and crafting our lives, whether we are aware of this or not.
Lately I've been trying to remind myself that I only have one life to live and it shouldn't be spent worrying about the future and waiting for the time to be right. When life gets uncomfortable we often orientate ourselves to a future that is better. It's often a defense mechanism especially when we are discontent about our current situation. We believe in the I'll-be-happy-when lie. I'll be happy when: I'm in a meaningful relationship/ making more money/ buying a new car/ new clothes / move to another city. And the thing is, when you get those things, you will have not changed, except that now you need something else to make you happy, to wish for.
I'm thankful to have a job that I do not hate but it's not the space I want to be in any longer. I'm trying to find my own balance between being grateful with my current life and wanting so much more in the future. I know that a lot of the time, I'm happiest when I'm not waiting for something to happen. I'm learning to honor the present moment. I'm learning to be present in my own life. I'm learning that a big part of adulting thing is simply learning to adapt to the inevitable discomfort that comes with life.
What are you guilty of waiting for?
What are you guilty of waiting for?